Newsletter 383 17th September 2023


24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Last week, we kicked off Stewardship Month. Volunteering is a great way to get plugged into our church, feel like part of our community, and serve Jesus at the same time. Giving back to the community is at the heart of Christian service & discipleship.  We also often term it ‘stewardship of time and talents’.

Whether working with children and young people, helping serve tea and coffee after a Service, becoming a Reader or Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist, visiting Care Homes, serving on the cleaning rota, serve on one of the committees, be part of the Vision Group, help with RCIA. Our church is dependent on volunteers.

Volunteering in church benefits members of the congregation and the church itself. God has uniquely equipped every person in the Church with specific skills and gifts. As Christians, we are tasked with utilising these gifts in our community and within our local church. Using your God-given skills as a volunteer is a fantastic way to serve the church while simultaneously lightening the load of a church’s regular volunteers.

Volunteering has a spiritual benefit as well. By volunteering, an individual will often want to dive deeper into the life of the church. At the same time, they serve not only as a helping hand but also as a witness of the Gospel message within the community.

However, while many may want to give their time, it can be difficult to align schedules and balance other obligations. So, while the desire to volunteer may exist, people often run into roadblocks that prevent them from giving their time. Many people travel for work, others live far from our church, and some have families who claim their time during the week. And everyone has unique God-given gifts. So, it’s critical for us to be inclusive and provide a variety of opportunities to volunteer. This is why we have put together a comprehensive list of different volunteer opportunities for our church that will help engage us in creative ways.  Please take a ‘Stewardship Month’ leaflet – have a look through it and see if you can volunteer for at least one task and drop it back to the office by end Sept. Your generosity is vital, and our Parish team thanks you for all you do.  We have lost some volunteers since the Pandemic and we desperately need your help!  

In short, volunteers are vital to a healthy church. Your Parish needs You!

Link to form: Stewardship Month 2023


1st Reading: Ecclesiasticus 27:30-28:7

Psalm: Ps102:1-4.9-12    R./ The Lord is compassion and love, slow to anger and rich in mercy.

2nd Reading:Romans 14:7-9

Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Your word is truth, O Lord, consecrate us in the truth! Alleluia!

Gospel: Matthew 18:21-35


Pastoral letter from the Bishop : You Will be My Witnesses

Second Collections

17th September 2023 is for Home Mission. The Home Mission Office helps the local Church to share the joy of the Gospel.


17 September: Arthur, son of Phillip & Joanne

24 September: Lilly, daughter of David & Ana


21 September: Ruth & Joshua

Come join the Children’s Liturgy Team at the 11am Mass. All children from about 3 years old (and their parents) are very welcome to come and celebrate and have fun. 

To reduce repeating information in the printed newsletter, we have printed hand-bag/ wallet-friendly information packs and placed them at the entrance/exits of the church. Please keep this with you for future reference. Thank you for helping us save the environment by reducing paper waste!

Dates for your Diary

The theme this year is, “A Mighty River” – “Let Justice and Peace Flow”.  Weekly events that will celebrate God’s Creation and for us to Care for Our Common Home.

See also Courses & Talks

24th Sept Please bring along your home-made produce, preserves, plants and promises to sell and exchange.  You can reserve your table nearer the date but, in the meantime, please plan your participation.

Vision Group fundraiser: soup & refreshments after 11am Mass + raffle

Food and drinks after. All are welcome!  

See website and forms in the church.

7.30pm Proceeds from the evening will be split equally between the local branch of Care4Calais, a volunteer-run asylum seeker charity and SVP Maidenhead – to help sustain and expand the support given by SVP to those in need, including local people who are lonely, sick, housebound or just struggling to cope. Tickets now on sale for 6th Oct SVP musical evening fundraiser – look for Siobhan (07816 445416) and Jean-Marc! See more under Dates for your Diary. £7 each


This is a cash only event and drinks and snacks will be available to buy from a Donations Bar

In the meantime, we would love to hear from anyone who would like to take part, whether you’re a singer or if you play an instrument, solo or part of a group – this informal event is about getting local people involved and giving those who are interested a chance to perform while raising funds for a worthwhile cause.

Everyone experiences grief in their own way. As well as experiencing feelings of overwhelming sadness, it is perfectly natural to feel lost, confused, isolated and even angry.  Or you may feel numb and emotionless as you try to grasp what has happened. You may feel regret for things you did or did not say or feel somehow to blame. Sadly, bereavement is something that we will all experience at some point in our lives, but we can support one another. 

Every second Sunday of the month there is a Bereavement Support meeting at St. Edmund Campion Centre at 2.30pm.  You are very welcome to come along to join us for tea, coffee and cakes.

7.30pm: Clare’s Court School – OPERA NIGHT in aid of the Church in Need Charity. 4 professional opera singers will perform a mixture of Arias and songs from Musicals at the 34th Annual evening organised by the Catenians. Tickets £25 pp with ‘early bird’ price of £22.50pp before end of September. Tickets available from Jonathan Holder via [email protected] or ring 07740 430599


£699.00 per person sharing. Price includes flights (LHR-NOC-LHR), all transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with full board. All entertainment and excursions included. Day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum. Single supplement £150.00. Contact Patricia 01268 762 278 or Natali  07740 175557 or email [email protected]

During the weekend, Young Catholic Adults and the Traditional English Association of Catholic History will be organising a pilgrimage to York and will visit the shrine of St. Margaret Clitherow, York Oratory, the Bar Convent and St. Mary’s Abbey.


This event is aimed at Young Catholic Adults and Catholics interested in history.


For details of how to book onto this free weekend and for more info see:-

The Divine Mercy Apostolate, London, is hosting a Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock, Co Mayo from November 9 to 14 to Pray for the HolySouls. It will by the Marian Fathers. Package includes: Return flights by Aer Lingus from Heathrow Airport, half board, 5 nights, accommodation in en suite twin rooms, hand-luggage (10 kgs), all transfers and Airport Development fee. The Retreat will include daily Mass and Hour of Mercy and retreats at Glendalough and Kylemore Abbey. Cost £800. All Welcome. Please call Millie on 07957594646 for more information

Courses & Talks

This year, we are going to offer the course both online and in-person. Many people find it difficult to secure childcare, or prefer to meet others whilst in the comfort of their own home, so by offering an online version, we hope you will give it a try. If meeting in-person is your preference, that is still a great option too.

Start dates are as follows:

Monday, 18 September, Alpha Online, 19:30 – 21:00

Tuesday, 19 September, Alpha In-Person at St Edwards Parish Centre, 19:00 – 21:00.

Alpha is a 10-week course that explores life’s big questions, in an open, non-judgmental and safe place. We’ll be discussing questions like: Is there more to life than this? Does God exist? Why did Jesus have to die? and, why is there so much suffering in the world? Millions of people have already tried Alpha in over 100 countries and languages around the world – so why not you? Perhaps you have a friend or family member who has fallen away from the faith during the pandemic, doesn’t feel as connected to the church as they once did, or maybe has never truly answered life’s big questions for themselves – please invite them, we’d love to host them too! If you have questions about joining, inviting others, or joining our team of volunteers, please email Ryan Greig at: [email protected]

This programme is widely used in many parishes throughout the Diocese. RCIA is both a learning and teaching programme that aims to help those who would like to know more about the Christian faith from a catholic perspective and might be thinking about becoming a Catholic. To be a full member of the Catholic Church you need to complete the process of Christian Initiation, which is when you have been Baptised, Confirmed and made your First Holy Communion. 

The RCIA Programme will begin with the completion of the ten-step programme of the Alpha course run at Windsor. (Sept-Nov 2023). RCIA (Jan – April 2024). Talk to one of our priests. More information is online and on leaflets found at the entrance of the church. See also: here

Philippe Mougin CAFOD’s Emergency Response Leader will talk about our work in Pakistan after last years floods. St Bedes Church hall Popley Way, Basingstoke RG24 9DX. Please book by emailing Jo Lewry [email protected]

Sara Moreno from CAFOD’s Partner SIEMBRA from Colombia will speak about her work with human and environmental rights defenders. St Michael & All Angels Church hall , Dunsbury Way , Leigh Park PO9 5BD (lunch is provided). Please book by emailing Jo Lewry  [email protected]

UCM Study day led by Dr Sarah Gardner. St Swithun’s Yateley, GU46 6NH. Tea & coffee provided. Please bring a packed lunch. Cost for the day: £3

Available for all Parents whose child is being Baptised at either St Joseph’s, St Elizabeth’s or St Edmund Campion. The course is a 90-minute preparation and guidance. It is held at St Joseph’s the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm.

6-week Zoom course following the Ignatian Way of prayer.  It is an ideal opportunity for those who desire to deepen their prayer life and attend from home.  It is free of charge and only 20 participants for each course. See An Introduction to Ways of Praying (

Our Parishioners

is running the Windsor Women’s 10k on 23rd Sept 2023 in support of Uganda Hands for Hope Charity. If you would like to support, please see:

together with her best friend, Caron, are doing a fundraising road rally trip driving from Cape Town to Zambia to raise funds for a home for people with profound physical and learning disabilities in South Africa.  Claire’s mum Helen and her Dad Carl used to take all the catholic residents to church every Sunday and Helen eventually ran the home for 14 years whilst living in SA.  There are 84 residents (a number of whom are HIV orphans), many of whom have been abandoned as a result of their profound disabilities and they desperately need funds not just for basic necessities but for disability equipment (many of the residents are sitting in wheelchairs without wheels).   Any support would be greatly appreciated and the funds will go directly to the parents association to ensure all money is spent directly on meeting the residents needs.


Magnificat: This is one of the best publications around for following scripture readings for daily Mass and every Sunday. There are also many interesting articles to help you in your spiritual life. If you would like a copy please get in touch with the Parish Office to arrange. We can leave in the sacristy or post out to you. The Magnificat is only £5 per month. 

Day by Day: Available in the church at all times. Please leave the £1 in the candle box. 


Library: We have a parish library located in the corridor of the Parish Centre. This is dedicated to Theology/Religious books. Please feel free to borrow/swap. 


St Joseph’s Church Repository: is open after 11am every Sunday. We have lots of cards, candles, rosary beads, statues and many more religious gifts on sale. If a Sunday does not suit to visit, then please phone the office on 01628 783988 and we can arrange a time that best suits.


Are you a budding journalist? Or someone with some time to spare?
We are looking to relaunch the biannual Parish Magazine. 
Please contact the Parish office for more details!

Vacancies: We currently have some exciting opportunities across the Diocese for an Estate Manager, IT Manager, Choral Director, and Parish Administrators. 

St Mary’s is looking for a Pastoral Support Assistant. We are looking for a caring and compassionate person, who has experience of working with SEND, SEMH and vulnerable children.

All vacancies posted here

Other information and links

If you’re away from your church or the Diocese, you can still keep in contact with all the latest news from the Bishop or the Diocese via: E- News  (subscription service available)

Twitter @PortsmouthRC

Facebook @PortsmouthRC @StJoMaidenhead

Are You New To Our Parish?

Thank you for your interest in our parish. Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we are happy to answer your questions, listen to your comments and help you in any way that we can. We are a parish of the Diocese of Portsmouth, and are a very vibrant community, made up of ‘old’ Maidenhead families and relative “newcomers” from all walks of life.

We hope that you find our Catholic parish a caring community that is loving, welcoming and supportive of all. Our mission is to grow in the image of Christ through the Holy Spirit, to be formed by the Word and our prayer, to use our gifts to welcome those who are here and reach out to those who are not. We invite you to join us as partners in the mission. Together, let us get to know Christ better and to make Him better known. May God Bless you wherever you are and thank you for exploring our website and newsletter. Please stop by the parish office to introduce yourself! We would love to meet you.

Code: SI: Special Intention, RIP: Rest in Peace, A: Anniversary, FM: Foundation

We would like to get the newsletter distributed on time and are grateful for understanding in the deadline for submissions of announcements and mass intentions. Please send all contributions no later than Thursday 10am.