
St Joseph’s and St Elizabeth’s:

Thank you for considering making a gift to St Joseph’s Church and various other projects. 

We are always grateful for your support!

One off donations (please Gift Aid if you can!)

  • In church using the Dona machines near the Sacred Heart Altar.
  • Online: via card
  • Bank transfer (see below)

Monthly standing order 

Name: CDP Maidenhead St Josephs Church 

Sort-code: 30-93-04
Account no: 00882667


Gift Aid form

Direct Debit form

Remember to Gift Aid your donation. See below for information.

Gift Aid

Gift Aiding your offerings to St Joseph’s Church

If you are a UK taxpayer, you can gift aid your offerings to St Joseph’s Church. This means that we can reclaim money from the taxman which increases your offering by an extra 25%. We make quarterly claims which the Diocese administers for us but all the money comes back to St Joseph’s bank account. All you need to do is:

  • Complete a Gift Aid declaration form, which you will find here and send it to the Parish Office for the attention of the Finance Officer.
  • We have to record your offerings which are entered on a secure and confidential spreadsheet, maintained by the Finance Officer.
  • We need to keep track of each individual’s offerings and you can choose one of 3 methods of payment. Probably the easiest , is to set up a monthly standing order with your bank. Contact us for our account details and you can do the rest yourself. Alternatively, you can pay by monthly direct debit using the form here.
  • Please complete and return it to our Finance Officer. The money is collected centrally by our Finance Office in Portsmouth and all the money is transferred into our Parish bank account once a month.
  • The last method of payment is in cash using our planned giving envelope scheme, which you put into the Sunday collections.  There is an envelope for each Sunday plus envelopes for all the special collections. You can give whatever you choose each week and those amounts are recorded on the gift aid spreadsheet.

So, if you are a taxpayer and you haven’t already done so, please make a Gift Aid declaration for St Joseph’s Church. It will greatly help our Parish finances without costing you a penny. We have produced a questions and answer sheet about Gift Aid which you can find here.

Contact our Finance Officer at the Parish Office or by email [email protected] and she will be happy to help you.

Refer to the following links



St Joseph’s Gift Aid Declaration form


Your support enables CAFOD to have a truly global impact, ensuring that no one is beyond reach. CAFOD is committed to being honest, open, transparent and accountable about how they use the money donated. See here.
Donate via their website.



In England and Wales, there are Red Boxes in over 200,000 homes and together we have collected millions of pounds for the missionary Church. You can become part of this vital fundraising and request a Red Box from your Missio Local Secretary, who is Louise Jennings or the parish office.The need to stand alongside our Mill Hill Missionaries in prayer and solidarity has never been so urgent and necessary.  In many areas of the world, they will be the first to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of our sisters and brothers who are suffering. 

Christian Aid


The climate emergency is one of the greatest injustices we face. Together we stop this climate crisis. 

Donate via their website.