14th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A
The invitation of Jesus to find peace in his presence is one of the most popular of his sayings. He is contrasting his message with the burdensome law, which somehow had lost the heart of religion, over-emphasising the externals of laws and rituals. He is not devaluing laws and rituals but putting them in their place. He offers an invitation that everyone can hear; and at many times of life, we really need to hear it. These may be times of illness, bereavement, anxiety, depression and/or worry. It is an invitation to come into his presence, which is a loving presence. It’s not just an invitation to enjoy a restful time, but to rest in the presence of love.
Any notion we have of Jesus that is harsh is false: he is ‘gentle and humble in heart’. This is the atmosphere he asks us all to spread. ‘Once you have received the refreshment and comfort of Christ, we are called in turn to become refreshment and comfort for our brothers and sisters, with a meek and humble attitude, in imitation of the Master’ (Pope Francis, July 2014).
The church is a place of rest for the weary; the place where we find encouragement in the ordinary situations in our lives, where we are called to respond to those who suffer through poverty, homelessness and many other unjust social situations that are part of our world, near and far.
1st Reading: Zechariah 9:9-10 See now, your king comes humbly to you.
Psalm: 144:1-2.8-11.13-14 R/ I will bless your name forever, O God my King.
2nd Reading: Romans 8:9.11-13 If by the Spirit you put an end to the misdeeds of the body you will live.
Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom to mere children. Alleluia!
Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30 I am gentle and humble in heart.
St Mary’s is looking for a Pastoral Support Assistant. See here.
Contact the Parish office if you would like to sign up for (Training provided!):
– altar servers (see more here)
– readers for Sat 6.30pm and Sun 8.00am mass
– 1 volunteer to help with alter linen, 4x/year
– children’s liturgy helpers
This Weekend:
Shauna’s Farewell Party!
We will all miss Shauna when she leaves the Parish to move back to Ireland. She’ll always have a place in our hearts!! Say goodbye TODAY after the 11am Mass. This will then be followed by a Pilgrim’s walk to St Elizabeth’s.
The parishes of Maidenhead, Sts. Joseph’s, Elizabeth’s, and Edmund Campion wishes Shauna a future filled with God’s blessing. Shauna, you are leaving us and we shall miss you so much. You brought so much to our parishes, ever being there to serve even outside office hours, being reliable and committed, bringing consolation to the bereaved, reaching out to the needy without counting the cost. You will be dearly missed. We love you and wish you well.
Tickets on sale for 6th Oct SVP musical evening fundraiser – look for Siobhan and Jean-Marc! See more under Dates for your Diary. £7 each
2nd Collection: Apostleship of the Sea (Stella Maris – Sea Sunday) is the official maritime charity of the Catholic Church. This weekend, we remember, and pray for, all the Seafarers, Mariners, Fishers, Naval Forces and Agencies who play a vital role in all our everyday lives. They work in difficult, and often hazardous, conditions to bring over 90% of our trade to our Island Nations. Stella Maris has over 1,000 Chaplains and Volunteers who help seafarers and fishers when they are in our Ports and may be “overburdened and in need of rest”. This ship visiting and practical support can only take place with our support through prayer and your generous donations. If you would like to give a gift to this collection, you can donate here:
SEEDS WEEKEND We are all invited to stand in solidarity with small scale farmers in Africa, Bangladesh and around the world to support their Right to use, exchange and save their own seeds and seed varieties in order to protect their “Way of Life”. You will be invited to sign a letter to the World Bank, in support of this, this weekend
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
Sign up by Friday 1 Sept 2023!
This programme is widely used in many parishes throughout the Diocese. RCIA is both a learning and teaching programme that aims to help those who would like to know more about the Christian faith from a catholic perspective and might be thinking about becoming a Catholic. To be a full member of the Catholic Church you need to complete the process of Christian Initiation, which is when you have been Baptised, Confirmed and made your First Holy Communion.
The RCIA Programme will begin with the completion of the ten-step programme of the Alpha course run at Windsor. (Sept-Nov 2023). RCIA (Jan – April 2024). Talk to one of our priests. More information is online and on leaflets found at the entrance of the church. See also: here
We are looking for young people aged 16+ who would be able to dedicate their participation in the pilgrimage to supporting some of our less agile pilgrims. Our support team each year assists some of our pilgrims by pushing wheelchairs, extending a supporting hand, assisting at mealtimes by carrying plates to tables from the buffet once the pilgrim has chosen their meal, and by extending the ministry of welcome to all our pilgrims. No assistance with personal care is required at any time. The pilgrimage is a rare opportunity to immerse yourself in your faith whilst serving others and enjoying the social aspects of a holiday. Those who have joined us in the past have said that they found the experience inspiring, their faith deepen and the ability to be in a place of peace awesome. Our pilgrimage will cost Youth Pilgrims £699. On 17th July, we will fly direct from Bournemouth airport to Tarbes Lourdes and return on 21st July. There is a familiarisation day for youth pilgrims followed by a pre-pilgrimage gathering for all pilgrims on 24th of June at Milner Hall, Winchester Hall.
Nurse needed. Are you a nurse? Would you be available to travel to Lourdes for the 17-21st July 2023 if so, we would love to hear from you. We need a nurse to support our pilgrim team during our Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes this year.
To join or find out more, please contact Canon PJ Smith (pilgrimage director): [email protected] or call 07780 221686.
The Vision Groups of St Edmund Campion and St Joseph’s are offering opportunities for all in the Maidenhead area to meet those who pray in the various churches of St. Edmund Campion, St Joseph’s or St. Elizabeth’s:
- 30th July. After the 9.15am Mass at St. Elizabeth’s, to walk to St. Edmund Campion church. Hospitality from 12.15pm onwards.
- 3rd September. After the 11.15am Mass at St. Edmund Campion Church, walk to St. Joseph’s.
You are welcome to attend Mass in your own church or join in the Mass of the hosting Community. Details of the walk can be obtained from Carolyn Foster:
90th anniversary of the Apparitions, 70th Anniversary of ‘Pilgrimage GB’) and for the Feast of the Assumption. A coach will leave from St. Edmund Campion Church, Maidenhead SL6 4PY. Accommodation and full board (including travel and excursions): staying at the Hospitalité is £420. (Single room supplement +£100).
The Hospitalité is very spacious and can accommodate all pilgrims, especially those who are sick, disabled or elderly. It also includes a full catering and medical staff. (There is a hotel next door for £650 sharing and single room supplement +£200). Fr. Liam Cummins (St. Edmund Campion Parish) will be the Spiritual Director for this pilgrimage and has been going to Banneux since 1996.
If you are interested and would like more information or to reserve a place before June 30th, please contact Lisa Pirie, pilgrimage director, on 07500288384 ([email protected]); or Father Liam, on 07776580596 (email: [email protected] ). The GB pilgrimage has been going for 70 years and it looks like this will be the last official trip from England, so get on board!
Watch video: Our Lady of Banneux: The Blessed Virgin of the poor – YouTube
£699.00 per person sharing. Price includes flights (LHR-NOC-LHR), all transfers, 4 nights’ in Knock House Hotel with full board. All entertainment and excursions included. Day trips to Westport, Ballintubber Abbey, Croagh Patrick, Fr. Peyton Centre & National Museum. Single supplement £150.00. Contact Patricia 01268 762 278 or Natali 07740 175557 or email [email protected]
Dates for your Diary
We are all invited to stand in solidarity with small scale farmers in Africa, Bangladesh and around the world to support their Right to use, exchange and save their own seeds and seed varieties in order to protect their “Way of Life”. You will be invited to sign a letter to the World Bank, in support of this, on the weekend of 15/16 July.
Thank you
The Catholic Miracle Rally celebrates that Jesus is alive and that the miracle healing, loving power of his Spirit is moving in his church today. Friends Meeting House, Euston Road, London, NW1 2BJ. £10 donation to cover costs. Book:
in the parish hall, St Edmund Campion with tea and cake. This is a further opportunity to meet others who are grieving after a bereavement, to share with one another and to consider whether you feel the need for individual or small group support.
Food and drinks after. All are welcome!
Tickets at £25 each, available now! Ticket includes a 3 course meal, with meat from the BBQ. Vegetarian options will also be provided. Please bring your own drinks. It will be held at Colby Gardens, Maidenhead. All proceeds to our new mission in Chhattisgarh, North India. Please call Millie on 07957594646 for ticket sales or for further information.
Each First Friday will see a ‘Healing Mass’ being celebrated alternatively at St. Joseph’s Church and St. Edmund Campion Church for 2023. We bring together all our needs and especially asking God’s healing spirit upon people and situations in our parish. You are very welcome. Sacrament of Reconciliation and Anointing with Holy Oil will be available.
1st September: 10am at St Joseph’s and 7pm at St Edmund Campion’s
A peaceful guided retreat day for anyone who needs a break. Retreat directed by Dr Judith Thomas. St Katherine’s Retreat House, Henley-on-Thames RG9 6NN. Maximum of 50 people. For booking and more information contact: 01628 628274 or email [email protected]. Full details here and in flyers in the church.
Available for all Parents whose child is being Baptised at either St Joseph’s, St Elizabeth’s or St Edmund Campion. The course is a 90-minute preparation and guidance. It is held at St Joseph’s the first Tuesday of the month at 7pm.
Philippe Mougin CAFOD’s Emergency Response Leader will talk about our work in Pakistan after last years floods. St Bedes Church hall Popley Way, Basingstoke RG24 9DX. Please book by emailing Jo Lewry [email protected]
Sara Moreno from CAFOD’s Partner SIEMBRA from Colombia will speak about her work with human and environmental rights defenders. St Michael & All Angels Church hall , Dunsbury Way , Leigh Park PO9 5BD (lunch is provided). Please book by emailing Jo Lewry [email protected]
Proceeds from the evening will be split equally between the local branch of Care4Calais, a volunteer-run asylum seeker charity and SVP Maidenhead – to help sustain and expand the support given by SVP to those in need, including local people who are lonely, sick, housebound or just struggling to cope. Tickets are available now at £7 per person.
This is a cash only event and drinks and snacks will be available to buy from a Donations Bar
In the meantime, we would love to hear from anyone who would like to take part, whether you’re a singer or if you play an instrument, solo or part of a group – this informal event is about getting local people involved and giving those who are interested a chance to perform while raising funds for a worthwhile cause.
For event planning, interested musicians (instrumentalists or singers) who get in touch will have a place reserved in the programme and we’ll need to do this on a first come first served basis until we have a full programme (likely to be around one hour each half plus interval).
If you would like to take part, please contact Peter (St Edmund Campion) on 07976 625 813 or Siobhan (St Joseph’s) on 07816 445 416. Thank you for your support.
Our Parishioners
Female student studying in Maidenhead is looking for food and lodging for one year. If you have a room, please contact Cecilia on 01628 676559
is running the Windsor Women’s 10k on 23rd Sept 2023 in support of Uganda Hands for Hope Charity. If you would like to support, please see:
together with her best friend, Caron, are doing a fundraising road rally trip driving from Cape Town to Zambia to raise funds for a home for people with profound physical and learning disabilities in South Africa. Claire’s mum Helen and her Dad Carl used to take all the catholic residents to church every Sunday and Helen eventually ran the home for 14 years whilst living in SA. There are 84 residents (a number of whom are HIV orphans), many of whom have been abandoned as a result of their profound disabilities and they desperately need funds not just for basic necessities but for disability equipment (many of the residents are sitting in wheelchairs without wheels). Any support would be greatly appreciated and the funds will go directly to the parents association to ensure all money is spent directly on meeting the residents needs.
Magnificat: This is one of the best publications around for following scripture readings for daily Mass and every Sunday. There are also many interesting articles to help you in your spiritual life. If you would like a copy please get in touch with the Parish Office to arrange. We can leave in the sacristy or post out to you. The Magnificat is only £5 per month.
Day by Day: Available in the church at all times. Please leave the £1 in the candle box.
Library: We have a parish library located in the corridor of the Parish Centre. This is dedicated to Theology/Religious books. Please feel free to borrow/swap.
St Joseph’s Church Repository: is open after 11am every Sunday. We have lots of cards, candles, rosary beads, statues and many more religious gifts on sale. If a Sunday does not suit to visit, then please phone the office on 01628 783988 and we can arrange a time that best suits.
Vacancies: We currently have some exciting opportunities across the Diocese for an Estate Manager, IT Manager, Choral Director, and Parish Administrators.
St Mary’s is looking for a Pastoral Support Assistant. We are looking for a caring and compassionate person, who has experience of working with SEND, SEMH and vulnerable children.
All vacancies posted here.
Can you spare 2 minutes? A GCSE product design student is requesting for help with her NEA coursework. As it represents 50% of her final grade, she is seeking our help to answer the question: ‘How can products be used to commemorate a religious event?’ She has chose Baptism and the survey can be found here.
Other information and links
Missio If you have a Red Box which is ready to be emptied, please bring it in over the coming weeks.
If you’re away from your church or the Diocese, you can still keep in contact with all the latest news from the Bishop or the Diocese via: E- News (subscription service available)
Twitter @PortsmouthRC
Facebook @PortsmouthRC @StJoMaidenhead
Are You New To Our Parish?
Thank you for your interest in our parish. Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we are happy to answer your questions, listen to your comments and help you in any way that we can. We are a parish of the Diocese of Portsmouth, and are a very vibrant community, made up of ‘old’ Maidenhead families and relative “newcomers” from all walks of life.
We hope that you find our Catholic parish a caring community that is loving, welcoming and supportive of all. Our mission is to grow in the image of Christ through the Holy Spirit, to be formed by the Word and our prayer, to use our gifts to welcome those who are here and reach out to those who are not. We invite you to join us as partners in the mission. Together, let us get to know Christ better and to make Him better known. May God Bless you wherever you are and thank you for exploring our website and newsletter. Please stop by the parish office to introduce yourself! We would love to meet you.
Code: SI: Special Intention, RIP: Rest in Peace, A: Anniversary, FM: Foundation