
National Catholic Safeguarding Commission (NCSC)

See the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth Safeguarding Policies here:

Safe Spaces: is a free, independent support service, providing a confidential, personal and safe space for anyone who has been abused by someone in the church or as a result of their relationship with the Catholic Church of England and Wales, the Church of England or the Church in Wales. 

Call: 0300 303 1056 

Email: [email protected]

Opening hours

Mon- Fri- 9am-9pm 

Sat- 9am-1pm 

Sun- 1pm-5pm


What is Safeguarding?

Every human being has a value and dignity which we as Catholics acknowledge as coming directly from God’s creation of male and female in his own image and likeness. This implies a duty to value all people and therefore to support them and protect them from harm. In the Catholic Church this is demonstrated by the provision of carefully planned activities for children, young people and adults; supporting families under stress; caring for those hurt by abuse in the past; ministering to and managing those who have caused harm.

It is because of these varied ministries that we need to provide a safe environment for all which promotes and supports their wellbeing. This will include carefully selecting and appointing those who work with children, young people or vulnerable adults and responding robustly where concerns arise.



From 01st April 2024, we will no longer be using Educare as the online learning platform for safeguarding training.

The Catholic Safeguarding Standards Agency (CSSA) has developed the Learning Management System (LMS) as an online learning platform specifically for the Catholic Church in England and Wales.

Training is now aligned with the nature of the role the volunteer is undertaking and 3 modules are available:

  • Level 1 – Casual volunteers (roles with no DBS eligibility)
  • Level 2 – Volunteers who hold a role with DBS eligibility but do not require a check of the barred list.
  • Level 3 – Volunteers who hold a role with DBS eligibility, including a check of the barred list.

You can access the LMS here – Home (

The system is self-registration (please be specific with regard to your parish, church and location).  

Users should select their volunteer role from the drop down and then the system will assign the appropriate training module.  Where a person holds more than one role, they should select all that apply and the highest level of training will be assigned.

Refresher training requirements are now every 3 years for volunteers.

Once a month, the central team will receive a report from the CSSA advising who has completed the training. 

St. Joseph’s Parish Maidenhead Safeguarding Team

If you have any queries on safeguarding, or would like to join the team,
please speak to George Lam or Bernice Fernandes via [email protected]
or get in touch with the Parish Office.

Domestic Abuse

The Domestic Abuse Group of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales has issued guidance on how Catholic parishes can support victims of domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click here for details.

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