2023 Programme
Alpha is back! For the very first time, parishes in Ascot, Maidenhead, Sunningdale, and Windsor are partnering to offer the Alpha Course online beginning Monday, September 18th of September (19:30-21:00) and in person on Tuesday, September 19th (19:00–21:00).
Alpha explores life’s big questions in an open, non-judgmental, safe place. We’ll be discussing questions like, “Is there more to life than this? “Who is Jesus, and why did he have to die? and “How can I resist evil?” to name a few.
Millions of people have already tried Alpha in over 100 countries and languages around the world, so why not you? Perhaps you have a friend or family member who lost faith during the pandemic, doesn’t feel as connected to the church as they once did, or maybe has never truly answered life’s big questions for themselves. Please invite them; we’d love to host them too!
Please RSVP so we can prepare for your arrival. Simply follow this link: https://forms.gle/onQKmiwHSAyuzYcNA to access the registration form:
If you have questions about joining or inviting others, please email:
Angela & Rob Hayes (online): [email protected]
Ryan Greig (in-person): [email protected]