Newsletter 412 27th April 2024


Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B


Without some centre of unity, groups disband or lose their way. A team which puts its eyes on money rather than on teamwork will lose its way. A family which relies on anything other than love to keep it together will fall apart. The church, the community of Jesus, is something similar.

What keeps the church together at its best is Jesus. Human leadership, moral authority, ritual dogmatism are not the centre of the church. Leadership can fail, moral authority can take wrong turnings and ritual dogmatism can override the concerns of people. The centre of the church is Jesus Christ. Our unity with Jesus is the central bond of the church. He is the cornerstone.

Jesus uses the image of roots and branches, of fruit and tree, to show that we are very much interwoven parts of each other. The unity Jesus asks for is the closest we can imagine, and this is his commitment to the church. This unity is not just with Jesus; we are united in the deep roots of belonging to him and to the same God. We are united in the love and power of his resurrection. Everyone is a brother and sister in Christ.

This unity can flow into our desire to serve God and spread the good news of the gospel.

We are witnesses to him where we find love, compassion and reconciliation among his people.

May we dwell in you, Lord, as you dwell in us. Give us your peace, your energy, your joy.

Entrance Antiphon: Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvellous deeds; he has revealed to the nations his saving power, alleluia

1st Reading:  Acts 9: 26-31

Psalm 21 R/ You are my praise, O Lord, in the great assembly

2nd Reading: 1 John 3: 18-24

Acclamation: Alleluia, alleluia! Make your home in me, as I make mine in you. Whoever remains in me bears fruit in plenty. Alleluia!

Gospel: John 15: 1-8


Communion Antiphon: I am the vine and you are the branches, says the Lord; he who lives in me, and I in him, will bear much fruit, Alleluia

What's happening in Church:


27 Apr 4.00pm + 11 May 4.30pm Confirmation sessions at St  Ed Pri

5 May 9.30am FHC Ch 10 in Hall

7 May Baptismal Course at St Joseph’s. For parents whose child is being baptised in M’head. Please meet one of the parish priests before attending.

Fridays 8.45-10:45am Baby & Toddler Group in St Edmund Parish Centre (term time only)

Buy your FHC & Confirmation gifts from the Repository now!!

QUENCH pop-up bookshop at St Edmund’s after all masses on 27-  28 Apr.


28 Apr Meeting for Lourdes Pilgrimage with Fr Tom (travel 23-30 Aug) after 11am Mass in bar

30 Apr 2.30pm in bar. Francis is giving a talk on how he finds life here in this parish as he trains for the priesthood in our diocese. Please pray for his vocation

7 May 10.30am Road to Priesthood in Parish Hall. Talk by Francis Ezeani after 10am Mass.

12 May 2.30-5pm, Bereavement Support Group St Edmund Campion Hall. Come for a cup tea & cake to talk or share with others who are also grieving

19 May Filipino Mass All are welcome!

Mon 7.30pm Badminton in the Hall. See / Or contact Peter 075477 42578


2nd Coll: Clergy Training Fund supports the next generation of clergy by funding seminarians through their seven-year training for priesthood,  including the 12 men currently in training, for the duration of their 6-7 year journey to ordination. Contribute via Dona (our contactless machines):

140th Anniversary magazine: Please contact the Parish office if you would like to sponsor the costs. Deadline: 30 April 2024
Talents Challenge for Congo sea ambulance boat We have had wonderful responses so far. The CHILDREN’S LITURGY TEAM thanks the helpers and all who bought Good Shepherd sheep biscuits.  Made by the children and parents, we converted our £5 envelope to £40!! 
Mondays 7.30pm Badminton in Hall. All levels welcome! Contact Peter 075477 42578
Tea & Coffee after 11am Mass. Please help put tables and chairs back after use!

Magazine We need writers, contributors, photographers for our upcoming Parish Magazine. Please contact the office if you’re interested in helping or advertising!

We have a new contactless machine that will accept Gift Aid! You only have to input your details ONCE and ALL future donations with the same card will be Gift-Aided!

To reduce repeating information in the printed newsletter, we have printed hand-bag/ wallet-friendly information packs and placed them at the entrance/exits of the church. Please keep this with you for future reference. Thank you for helping us save the environment by reducing paper waste!

Dates for your Diary

  •  27 Apr Be Filled with The Holy Spirit Cor et Lumen Christi
  • 30 Apr 10.30am Tackling Modern Slavery Learn how to spot the signs of Modern Slavery and what we can do about it. After 10am Mass: St Mary’s Church Hall, 211A Wimborne Rd, BH15 2EG. Register: [email protected]
  • 1 May 8pm TV presenter Sean Fletcher talks about his life, religious journey, Christian faith, passionate causes and media roles. Maidenhead Synagogue SL6 8QX (parking onsite). Limited spaces – book [email protected]
    4 & 5 May ‘Our Father in Heaven’ Retreat Day in St Peter’s Church Pastoral Centre, Winchester. Pope Francis has asked that there be a particular focus on the Our Father in 2024. We pray this prayer so often and there’s always the risk of it becoming dry or remaining superficial. Register by 29 Apr:
  • 6 May Preparing Together Marriage Course at Corpus Christi Catholic Church, Wokingham, Berkshire, RG40 2HE.
  • See for more info and to book
  • 22-26 Jul Diocesan Lourdes Pilgrimage (sans Fr Tom).

Can you help?

Millions of families in Sudan face extreme hunger after being forced to flee their homes amid conflict. Support CAFOD partners on distributing food packages, emergency cash payments, rebuilding water pipelines. Donate £10- text CAFODSUDAN to 70450 or online via

Marriage Care is a Catholic organisation specialising in relationship support. We are looking for Marriage Preparation Course Facilitators to prepare couples for the Sacrament of Marriage (full training is provided for this role), Qualified Relationship Counsellors to support couples in distress and Trustees to provide governance and strategic direction for the organisation. For more information please visit: or email: [email protected]

partnered with market-leading solicitors and will-writing providers to offer a basic simple or mirror Will for free. In-person, online or by phone. There is no obligation to leave our Parish a gift in your Wills.

Inspire and empower children & young people in your local Catholic schools by delivering an assembly or a workshop. CAFOD will provide training and all resources. Contact Jo Lewry [email protected] or phone 07710 094447 for more info.

If you want to donate directly to SVP for helping refugees who are facing homelessness & destitution, you can do so via CDP Maidenhead St Josephs Church Ac 00882667 / 30-93-04. Please include your full name and “+SVP” so we can earmark your contribution.

A steering group of religious and other groups are trying to establish three new initiatives under the auspices of the Brett Foundation. One is temporary hosting for refugees through a Gift-a-Room scheme. The second is a temporary Winter homeless shelter for all rough sleepers.The third is a Drop-in Centre to provide basic support for all people living on the streets, such as food and shower facilities. We are asking for any or all of:-

*Offers of a room for a refugee for up to two months – references will be taken for both host and refugee and a mentor provided to help both with any issues

* Volunteers to help with the homeless shelter for all rough sleepers for a variety of tasks, such as cooking, cleaning up, welcoming people and/or occasional overnight stays either once a week or once a month

* Volunteers at the Drop-in Centre for all rough sleepers for tasks such as making teas/coffees and making guests feel welcome either once a week or once a month.

We have created the following material to explain the schemes on The Brett Foundation website: there is a full page devoted to each of the streams, as well as an introductory page with links to each of the streams:

This is a link directly to the Gift-a-Room scheme: 

If you have any questions or suggestions, please do not hesitate call us on 07749 917134

appeal for volunteers. Would you enjoy meeting and helping all kinds of people on Saturday and pay-day Friday nights? Come try a taster session around Maidenhead town centre with a small friendly group. Contact: [email protected] or see


Sunday Missal Early bird offer: 20% off until 31st May. £19.95


Magnificat: This is one of the best publications around for following scripture readings for daily Mass and every Sunday. There are also many interesting articles to help you in your spiritual life. If you would like a copy please get in touch with the Parish Office to arrange. We can leave in the sacristy or post out to you. The Magnificat is only £5 per month. 

Day by Day: Available in the church at all times. Please leave the £1 in the candle box. 

Library: We have a parish library located in the corridor of the Parish Centre. This is dedicated to Theology/Religious books. Please feel free to borrow/swap. 

St Joseph’s Church Repository: is open after 11am every Sunday. We have lots of cards, candles, rosary beads, statues and many more religious gifts on sale. If a Sunday does not suit to visit, then please phone the office on 01628 783988 and we can arrange a time that best suits.

Vacancies: We currently have some exciting opportunities across the Diocese for an Estate Manager, IT Manager, Choral Director, and Parish Administrators. 

All vacancies posted here

Other information and links

Rosary Group via Zoom every Thursday at 2pm (See here for joining instructions) ►

Last session for December will be on Thursday the 14th of December at 2pm 

Rosary will resume on Thursday the 11th January 2024 at 2pm

Missio If you have a Red Box which is ready to be emptied, please bring it in over the coming weeks.  

If you’re away from your church or the Diocese, you can still keep in contact with all the latest news from the Bishop or the Diocese via: E- News  (subscription service available)

Twitter @PortsmouthRC

Facebook @PortsmouthRC @StJoMaidenhead

Are You New To Our Parish?

Thank you for your interest in our parish. Whether you’re just visiting us for a brief time, looking for a new parish home, returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church, we are happy to answer your questions, listen to your comments and help you in any way that we can. We are a parish of the Diocese of Portsmouth, and are a very vibrant community, made up of ‘old’ Maidenhead families and relative “newcomers” from all walks of life.

We hope that you find our Catholic parish a caring community that is loving, welcoming and supportive of all. Our mission is to grow in the image of Christ through the Holy Spirit, to be formed by the Word and our prayer, to use our gifts to welcome those who are here and reach out to those who are not. We invite you to join us as partners in the mission. Together, let us get to know Christ better and to make Him better known. May God Bless you wherever you are and thank you for exploring our website and newsletter. Please stop by the parish office to introduce yourself! We would love to meet you.

Code: SI: Special Intention, RIP: Rest in Peace, A: Anniversary, FM: Foundation

We would like to get the newsletter distributed on time and are grateful for understanding in the deadline for submissions of announcements and mass intentions. Please send all contributions no later than Thursday 10am.