Mothers Prayer Group

St Joseph’s Mothers Prayer Group

We meet every Monday at 10am in Church near Our Blessed Mother’s statue

Just drop in!

See Newsletter for updates.

If you would like us to pray for your family, please write your petition in the Mother’s Prayer Book

The Book can be found at Our Blessed Mother’s altar (on the right hand transept)

Mothers Prayers was started in England in November 1995 and has spread rapidly throughout the world with contacts in over 100 Countries and has the approval, support and blessing of Christian leaders of all denominations. There are now thousands of groups around the world.

At St Joseph’s Mothers Prayer we support each other through prayer and friendship. We also celebrate special occasions and events.

We have had many prayers answered and have been blessed and have experienced great peace.

At our meetings we use a small table on which we place a cross to remind us of Jesus the Redeemer, a candle- Jesus the Light of the World and a Bible – Jesus the Living World – and a small basket at the foot of the cross in which we put the names of our children, grandchildren and other children surrendering them into Jesus’ and his Blessed Mothers care.

We obey the strict rule of confidentiality and it is a safe environment where anyone who is troubled can share their worries and we will pray for them.  

All women are welcome with children too and we would be delighted to see new parishioners.

National website:

Christmas 2023
