Children’s Liturgy – Register

Doing the Register

If you take the Register, remember that we are in a position of trust with this sensitive info.

Never leave the Registers unattended, even for a moment.  Keep them with you until you are able to give them with the cards to Tricia, or put them all safely in the Sacristy cupboard.

  1. Collect the register and the box of name cards from the Sacristy (last cupboard on the left before the altar door).  
  2. Help hand out the cards to the children as they come in to Church.
  1. When Mass starts, set up your table with register, cards and pencils outside St Elizabeth’s Room (young group) or the Main Hall (old group).
  1. Collect all the cards from the children who have them first.
  1. For children without cards, keep them to one side and when all the other children are in the room, give blank cards to parents to fill in or jot down on the rough paper at the back of the register their
  • Name (in capitals!)
  • Date of birth
  • Telephone no.
  1. When the children are in their room, complete the register. 
    Register pages are yellow for girls and blue for boys.
  • Tick as present all children with printed cards
  • Add the names, dates of birth and telephone nos. of new children to the register and tick them as present
  • Write     M     /    D    /     GM     /      GD      /     B     /    S if the children are accompanied by their                  Mum /  Dad  / Grandma / Grandad / Brother / Sister
  • Add any Visitors on the separate sheet at the back
  1. Jot down any notes, suggestions or queries on the rough paper. Check problems with Tricia Weeks  (Tel 01628 627265).
  1. Sort the cards alphabetically (by surnameinto 2 sets –  girls  (red/orange/yellow) –  boys (green/ blue/purple)
  1. Put the cards back in the baskets (girls – red basket, boys – green)    
  1. Give the registers/cards to Tricia or put them securely in the sacristy.

                                                   Thank you!