Setting up

The team leaders each week should always check that their room is suitable and safe for the children in their care and collect the liturgy box for their group from the sacristy.

Leaders and helpers usually

  • Write up their planned liturgy in the liturgy record book
  • Arrange St. Elizabeth’s Room appropriately for their planned liturgy
  • Check that the chairs or tables are removed or safely positioned
  • Check that the carpet is clean
  • Check that the fire exits are clear

Leaders and helpers usually

  • Arrange the south/church end of the Main Hall appropriately for their planned liturgy
  • Put notices on the entrance doors of the Church to remind parishioners that liturgy is on that day
  • Choose 2 children to collect the Liturgy Book and cross from Father and to lead out the children from Church to the Hall: ask them to hold them up high!
  • Put the Liturgy Book and Large Cross by the altar steps with the names of the 2 children to lead the groups to their rooms
  • Check that the fire exits are clear

Starting the Sessions

After the first hymn, Father will invite the children to the front of the Church, and will hand the Liturgy Book and Large Cross to the children chosen to lead the children to their liturgy rooms.

Leaders will:

  • Usher the younger children from the Church, down the corridor and into St. Elizabeth’s Room for their worship
  • Ensure that matches for lighting the Gospel candle are safely stored and only used by an adult
  • Not allow any child to leave the room unless accompanied by a responsible person

Leaders will:

  • Usher the older children from the Church, down the corridor and into the Main Hall for their worship
  • Ensure that matches for lighting the Gospel candle are safely stored and only used by an adult

Returning to Church

A person will come from the Church at the end of the Homily to collect children from the older group to take part in the offertory procession and to alert both groups that the Creed is starting.

Leaders will then have about 5 minutes left to clear up, say a final prayer and assemble each group ready to leave their rooms.


One group leader will then open the door and lead the children quietly along the corridor to the door of the Church and wait there.  The second leader will follow the children, checking that the room they are leaving is safe and that all the children have left.


The younger group helper will remain in the lobby until all the children have passed.

The children go into the Church when the offertory procession has finished, sometimes displaying their work at the altar. 


Leaders check that they have returned safely to their parents

After Mass

Leaders tidy their rooms, switch off lights and close the windows.  They then collect the notices from the Church doors, and return the box of books and materials to the Sacristy (last cupboard on the left before the door to the altar) or pass it on to the next liturgist.


  • All liturgists should be DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checked – the Safeguarding team will contact you to arrange this.  You will be asked to attend safeguarding and training courses occasionally.
  • There will be at least 2 leaders for each group, with extra helpers available for large groups.
  • The rota of leaders and helpers is distributed before each term and a copy is placed on the lobby notice board.
  • Each leader will receive a pack of suggestions before the start of term to help them plan their sessions.  Spare copies are stored in the kitchen lobby filing cabinets and any extra sheets left over should be filed there.  Reasonable expenses (for paper/glitter/fabric etc.) can be claimed via Tricia.
  • Remember to start and end each session with a prayer, and to focus on the Gospel.
  • Coloured cloths are available for the liturgical seasons in the sacristy cupboard.
  • Meetings are held regularly to discuss new ideas etc., usually at the end of each term.
  • Any problems should be reported to Tricia Weeks (Tel. 01628 627265) who will then inform Father and/or the Parish Office.